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Adam Mohamed is Occupational Therapist at Swift Health.
Adam is a practicing occupational therapist born and raised in Richmond, BC. He graduated from McGill University with a degree in Psychology and completed his occupational therapy degree at the University of Toronto.
Adam is registered with the College of Occupational Therapists of British Columbia (COTBC).
Adam has worked with children and adults across the age spectrum, through their cognitive, physical, and psychosocial rehabilitation. Seeing the progress people can make in their recovery over time is one of the most rewarding elements for Adam.
I first found occupational therapy in the middle of my Bachelor of Arts in university. I had just changed majors from Political Science to Psychology because I found the human mind, and the effect that environment coupled with biology can have on it, fascinating. I had then looked up what careers individuals with a Psychology degree often go into and one of the options was occupational therapy. I recognized that profession, as my aunt is an OT so I reached out to her and immediately thought that this was something I could do. As an OT you are assisting others to achieve the meaningful activities in their life and using a holistic model to get there. That sounded like a fantastic job to me, so I shadowed OTs across multiple practice settings the following summer. The ability to work in so many different areas while still promoting that core goal of enabling one’s occupations ultimately sold me on this profession.
He is very friendly and personable. Helpful. Brought me alot of information for health and sleeping tips. Tardy. Was able to get all equipment I required for my injury.
(Adam Mohamed is) patient and professional. Still waiting to hear back about things we talked about but he is great.
Adam is really in tune with what’s going and I feel comfortable communicating with him and discussing my situation. He shows empathy and is genuine when discussing my progress. I would highly recommend him
He is really professional, helping and co-operative person. With me he is always listening, asking me about my health concerns and guides me through education material.
Adam was very helpful with my recovery and helped me find therapeutic treatment methods. He was very nice and understanding.
He is very helpful, has very good manners and such a nice personality.
he is very personable and informative