Phone 604-800-5542
Occupational Therapy: At this time we are not accepting children under the age of 6 with Autism (Using Autism Funding)* if the child does not have an ASD diagnosis and is under age 6, we can accept.
Speech Therapy: Clients under the age of six we can accept.
Please select all the dates you are available to attend from the options below. While this does not guarantee a booking, we will contact you to confirm availability.
Initial assessment $210 (90 minutes)
Treatment session $140/hour
Screening report $140
Report is not included for initial assessment.
Assessments/Reports $140/hour
Treatment Plans
1. Speech Therapist 1on1 weekly @140/session
2. Speech Therapist 1on1 once per month ($140/session) and 1on1 with Therapy Assistant remaining weeks ($50/session)
SLP Pediatric rates Community (Burnaby Only)
The initial assessment is $160/hour plus the travel rate is $2.5/km
Home visits/Treatment sessions are $160/hour plus a $2.5/km