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By providing client-centred strategies, occupational therapists optimize health and well-being for a variety of patients. Some of the ways in which an OT can allow patients to engage more fully in activities that are important to their everyday lives.
This job generally requires the ability to do the following:
PT focuses on restoring or improving movement, strength, and range of motion. OT aims to improve the motor skills you need to perform daily tasks. According to the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy (OT) is:
…a type of health care that helps to solve the problems that interfere with a person’s ability to do the things that are important to them.
The Description of Physiotherapy in Canada document from the Canadian Physiotherapy Association states that:
Physiotherapy is a primary care, autonomous, client-focused health profession dedicated to improving quality of life by: Promoting optimal mobility, physical activity and overall health and wellness; Improving and maintaining optimal functional independence and physical performance; Rehabilitating injury and the effects of disease or disability with therapeutic exercise programs and other interventions; and Educating and planning maintenance and support programs to prevent re-occurrence, re-injury or functional decline.
College of Occupational Therapist Of Ontario provides some great examples OTs work with people of all ages – infants to seniors – in many different ways. Here are a few examples:
At Swift Health Services, we offer a range of return-to-work services to assist individuals experiencing physical, cognitive, and or psychological issues. Return to work services include:
Swift Health occupational therapists will provide a comprehensive work site and ergonomic assessments ensuring clients can complete work tasks without the risk of developing or aggravating physical symptoms.
Our occupational therapists work with clients, their doctors and employer to develop a modified or graduated resumption of job tasks and work hours.
Occupational therapists will provide clients with practical and hands on strategies (progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, autogenic training) to further enhance their treatment.
Occupational Therapists at Swift Health will work with clients’ doctor and other health professionals (physiotherapist, chiropractor, registered massage therapist) to ensure communication between health providers. Our occupational therapists will coordinate with ICBC and your lawyer to ensure clients’ needs are met.
Occupational therapists at Swift Health are PGAP providers! PGAP was developed to target psychological and risk factors for delayed recovery. PGAP has shown to reduce psychological risk factors and promote successful return to work. To learn more about PGAP click here!
Swift Health provides functional capacity evaluations. An FCE is a set of tests, practices and observations that are combined to determine the ability of the evaluated to function in a variety of circumstances, most often employment, in an objective manner. Physicians change diagnoses based on FCEs. Want to learn what happens during the assessment? Click here!
Swift Health occupational therapists will work with clients to improve their ability to complete home maintenance tasks including household cleaning and yard work. Occupational therapists are experts in providing clients with specialized training techniques to enable them to become more independent in their homes. Caregivers may also be educated on how to facilitate maximal performance and independence which enables individuals to become more successful and ultimately independent in the home.
Our occupational therapists will complete comprehensive personal (bathing, dressing) and home care (cooking, cleaning) assessments to provide clients with care aides to support them during their recovery process.
Our occupational therapists will assess for and provide suitable assistive devices to help with clients’ activities of daily living (ADLs).
Occupational therapist can assist clients’ in training to operate specialized mobility equipment such as scooters and wheelchairs.
Swift Health occupational therapists help individuals resume community roles after a motor vehicle injury. Occupational therapists will provide interventions to improve social skills and community awareness.